mode cannot be saved, and must be re-unlocked every time the game is turned off. Due to the lack of a battery backup save feature, the game's Dream Mode for the Vs.The Evil Green Ranger used by the CPU can use the Sword of Darkness for a ranged attack, which the playable Green Ranger cannot perform.While he can be defeated by depleting his health meter, he can also be defeated by surviving the fight for a set amount of time, after which he will retreat. It is not required to actually defeat the Evil Green Ranger in Stage 3.same character, human-sized character vs.

option which allows any character or Zord to battle any other character or Zord, including character vs. After completing Story Mode, Dream Mode is unlocked as a Vs. The same character cannot be used by both players. The six Power Rangers and the Putties cannot be matched against the three Zords and Cyclopsis, while the Dragonzord Fighting Mode cannot be matched against the regular Dragonzord nor against the Megazord. Game and Link Game, the player can choose to play as any of the game's sixteen characters fight against an opponent in a round-based match. The Story Game features the following stages and monsters:

After defeating the Green Ranger in Stage 4, he will reform and join the other rangers as a playable character, bringing with him the Dragonzord, which can be used during the giant monster segments in place of the Megazord, or alternatively the Dragonzord Fighting Mode. Initially only the five original Power Rangers are available at the start, along with the Megazord. Only Stage 4 deviates from this format by having the Zord segment occur before the Ranger segment. In the second segment, the player will control one of the Zords and fight a giant version of the stage boss. In the first segment, the player controls a member of the Power Rangers as they fight against a series of Putty Patrollers sent in by Rita, as well as occasional encounters with Goldar, before confronting the stage boss at the end. The Story Game consists of seven stages, each consisting of two segments. game, and a 2-player Link game in which the player against another player using the link cable. The game consists of three game modes: a single-player story game which features a series of plot-based battles against the computer, a single-player VS. In this version, the player has three basic attacks (one which is done by pressing the two action buttons simultaneously), a throw, and three special moves per character. This version is a fighting game that is similar, but not identical to the Genesis version. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is a video game based on the TV series of the same name which was released on the Game Gear. This article is about a video game in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.